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Meet Nikki Gaharan

Meet Nikki Gaharan

At the TMX Finance® Family of Companies, women are leading the way. They’re mothers, mentors, military veterans, community volunteers, and operators. Our women are leaders.

Read all the interviews we held in our Women of the 20th blog series to learn how they each became the leaders they are today.

Tell us about your journey with the Company.

“I began my career at the TMX Finance® Family of Companies in May of 2018. I started as a Product Manager for Personal Loans. As my role grew, I also added the Universe Silver™ Deposit Account to my suite of projects. I was promoted to Director of Product Management in August of 2018. In October of 2019, I was promoted to Senior Director of Product Management & Card Services, and ultimately launched the Universe Silver™ Deposit Account in November of the same year.”

What has been one of your most empowering moments at the TMX Finance® Family of Companies?

“One of my most empowering moments at the TMX Finance Family of Companies has been the growth from where I started in May 2018 to where I landed the day we launched the Universe Silver™ Deposit Account program. It was a defining moment within the Company, and it was empowering to be part of making that happen.”

Thinking of where you are now, how has the Company supported you throughout your career journey?

“The TMX Finance Family of Companies has been a major supporter in the benefits of the Universe Silver™ Deposit Account program for both our customers and employees. Not only were they open to the idea of the program, but they allowed me the freedom of ideas for how the program should be built with features that support our overall mission and values.”

What has made your time with the Company special or impactful to you?

“The family feel of the organization and how everyone is pushing to ensure everyone succeeds continues to be the most impactful part of the Company for me.”

What advice would you give to someone looking to join the Company?

“The ability to keep pushing for what you believe is vital for our customers. You should always come to the table with more and different solutions to a problem. You should also learn every department and what they do; that can help you with your own career growth and success within the Company.”

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