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The GMs Tell All: Fabiola Toscano

The GMs Tell All: Fabiola Toscano

We’re excited to launch a new video series based on our recent GM Town Hall Meetings. The internal Company videos are a compilation of several Town Hall style meetings our Company President, Otto Bielss, held virtually with our store operations team members across the country. The General Managers asked the questions and our leadership team was ready with the answers! These are unscripted meetings where our team members discuss their ideas, ask questions, or share concerns. Read about some of our team members who participated in the meetings as they share their experience.

Submitted by: Fabiola Toscano, General Manager, Arleta CA

I am very proud that I had the opportunity to represent my colleagues at the GM Town Hall Meeting.

After this meeting was announced, my email inbox was flooded with questions from my team members! I was so excited to ask our Company President both my own questions and my team members’ questions. We are all so excited about these meetings where our President takes the time to not only meet with us, but give us clear answers and discuss his vision for the Company.

The West Coast is well-known for its high spirits and can-do attitude and this meeting gave us the highest boost imaginable! We were all reminded as to why Otto was named one of South Magazine’s greatest bosses!

This meeting was an excellent learning experience. Team members would ask questions, and Otto would answer, then other participants would share some best practices that have made them successful! We were able to see what makes the rest of our Company so great!

We received great answers from Otto that are keeping us even more excited for the products we are developing. Our Company has an exciting future ahead and I’m so glad I get to be a part of it!

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