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#DefineYourDrive- Determination

#DefineYourDrive- Determination

Roxanne Powell – TitleMax General Manager, Alabama

Roxanne PowellI decided to join the Army National Guard after my sister deployed to Afghanistan. When I went to her deployment ceremony, I witnessed the selfless service of my sister and her brothers-and-sisters in arms. I saw the dedication and the comradery of soldiers that gave up their freedom to protect ours and that is what made me want to join.

I joined because I wanted to serve my country, I wanted to do something to help others, and give back to my community. Joining the military is what has made me into the person I am today. The military instilled in me a work ethic that has carried me through the success that I have had on the civilian side of my life as well. As a member of the National Guard, I am juggling two careers at once. My military career and my civilian career, but I am able to use the skills I have acquired from both in each of my careers. The Army has taught me dedication and a work ethic that I am able to bring to TitleMax. The Army has taught me to never give up and TitleMax has taught me professionalism and management.

The Army instilled in me a set of values that I live my life by today. When wearing the uniform, I want to bring honor to those who have served before me and those who have lost their lives in service. I want to be an example for those that serve alongside me.

I decided when I started working at TitleMax as a customer service representative that I wanted to become a General Manager. I worked hard to learn the business and my drive, discipline, and determination is what helped me through each position and is what made me into the General Manager I am today. Being a woman in the workforce, my drive and determination is what has helped me become successful in both my military and my civilian careers.

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