Submitted by: Kilynn Davis, Field Ops Training Manager
Your journey in the Team Up Mentoring Program can only be fruitful if given the right guidance, time, energy, and passion it deserves. When you choose to begin your journey with a company and they offer amazing programs that help you grow and develop, as well as help others, you’ve found yourself the GOAT! I am, of course, talking about the TMX Finance® Family of Companies. I began my career here over eight years ago. I have worked hard to build the best version of myself that I can with the Company. With the support of many great leaders, I …
Submitted by: Sharon Pope, Licensing Manager
Being a mentor gives me permission to examine my values and see how they align with those around me. When I first joined our Team Up Mentoring Program, I was excited to dive in and mentor one of my coworkers! My first mentee was a lovely person who was willing to talk big picture, but not quite interested in exploring things that are only revealed in the quiet, small places. We developed an understanding, but there were no “AH HA” moments. Similarly, my second mentee was a bit shy of professional relationships. So, it was very difficult for us to …
Submitted by: Shannon Beasley, Sr. Director of Corporate Talent Management
Celebrating National Mentoring Month is special to me for a couple of reasons: First, as Senior Director of Corporate Talent Management, the TMX Finance® Family of Companies’ mentoring program – Team Up – is an area I now oversee. It is exciting to be a part of such a rewarding program and understand the importance of the relationships that are fostered as a result! I have participated as a mentee several times and have had some awesome mentors that have coached me through some difficult decisions and offered some really sage advice that has stuck with me far beyond my …