Submitted By: Brandon Guffee, Lead Business Analyst January 5, 2018 was a normal Friday, much like any other. I was excited to get off work and start another great weekend. January 6, 2018 started out as typical Saturday. My wife and I loaded up our ATVs and headed out for some trail riding. This time we decided to check out a new trail, Rocky Ridge Ranch near Decatur, TX. After a few hours of riding, my wife and I decided we were not enjoying the trail, so we packed up and headed home. At some point between Decatur and Denton, …
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! We’ve had so much fun celebrating kindness all week- we’ve seen pictures and posts of breakfast treats at the office, kind words, kind acts to team members and strangers, and most of all, smiling faces! In fact, we even have the “RAK Police” patrolling the hallways of our Dallas corporate office capturing acts of kindness from our team members. Check out these great shout-outs and posts our team members made below, but you’ll have to check the TMX Finance Family of Companies social media pages to see everyone’s acts of kindness. Remember to …