Submitted by: Lindsey Reed Smith, Senior Vice President, Talent Management The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released a report titled “The Employment Situation – September 2017” breaking down the numbers and factors surrounding employment and unemployment in the U.S. at this point in time. As anyone who’s been paying attention knows, Hurricanes Irma and Harvey caused severe damage and displacement of many people in Florida and parts of the Southeast, as well as in Texas and areas of the Gulf Coast. We felt this as a Company due to our team members and customers being affected in those areas (check …
Submitted by: Jennifer Franklin, Area Recruiting Manager If you were to ask me why I recruit for the TMX Finance® Family of Companies, I would tell you it’s simply because I love my job. I would tell you about the meaningful work I do, the fast-paced but fun environment I work in, the benefits and my teammates. I have enjoyed recruiting for the TMX Finance® Family for the past 5 years, and I’m fortunate to make a living doing something I find challenging and fun. The process of working to build partnerships between candidates and hiring managers that result in …
Submitted by: Andrew McCray, Recruiting Manager On November 9th two members from our Talent Department attended the Veterans Appreciation Career Expo at Savannah Technical College, sponsored by the Georgia Department of Labor. Two days before Veterans Day and just one day before the Marine Corps’ 242nd birthday, Senior Talent Strategies Manager Ashley Snider and I had the pleasure of attending and meeting with over 100 local potential candidates, the majority of which were veterans. 100 employers settled into the auditorium as a line already began to form in the doorway leading into the event. The day was full of contact …
Each month, two TMX Ambassadors are recognized for personifying all four of the Company’s values: Excellence, Integrity, Enthusiasm, and Respect. These employees display our Company values in every facet of their careers. A very special thank you to both of these TMX Ambassadors for all their hard work and dedication in making us the great company we are today! Join us in congratulating Sihomara Jimenez on being selected as one of our November TMX Ambassadors! Sihomara is the General Manager at TitleMax of Salt Lake City, UT 2. Here is what Sihomara had to say about her journey with the Company: …
Submitted by: Amanda Barnes, Assistant Director of Store Recruiting We have newly established Project SERV this year – our focus on employing Veterans and tapping into the huge resource that is our Military Heroes! We could not be more excited for this initiative! In honor of Veteran’s Day, we wanted to detail out why we are excited to tap into this amazing talent pool. Why are all companies starting to place an importance on some type of Veteran hiring initiative? Three main ideas make Veteran hires desirable for any organization: Veterans are goal-oriented, trained leaders Veterans take responsibility seriously Veterans …
It’s International Accounting Day, and we’re celebrating because our Accounting Team has seen plenty of changes in the last few years, but has finally gotten into their groove. Now, the outcome of those changes has led to our best, brightest, and most successful Accounting Team yet! The TMX Finance® Family of Companies Accounting Department initially resided at our corporate headquarters in Savannah, GA. Once we started experiencing intense growth, it was clear that the department also needed room to grow, and was moved to our new Dallas, TX corporate office. And there they have thrived! Currently we are almost fully …
Submitted by: Ashley Snider, Senior Recruiting Manager, Store Strategies Every company is searching for their next top performer, and with today’s tight labor market, now is the best time to diversify your candidate pool. Hiring college graduates is a great way to bring employment opportunities to those that are seeking continued development, and could be an incredibly wise long-term decision for your company. One of the biggest hesitations companies have about hiring college graduates is the lack of real-world experience. However, “experience” shouldn’t be thought of as only work or on-the-job experience. After all, college graduates may have gained non-traditional …
Submitted by: Kristina Farrell, Director of Talent Programs On October 2nd, Talent Management launched an exciting initiative to our Store Operations Team and to the entire Company – Badges & Feedback! Our leadership realizes the value in every single contributor on our team and wants to celebrate accomplishments, give credit where credit is due, and regularly show our appreciation. This new initiative allows us to ensure that we have the opportunity to recognize, encourage, and reward each other every day. It allows team members to praise other team members across the Company for achievements both great and small, reinforcing the …
Submitted by: Lindsay Gray, Recruiting Area Manager The Speed Mentoring Event on Monday, September 25th was nothing short of uplifting and motivating. Our Workforce Planning Team did an outstanding job of setting up the logistics for this event so that different mentors and mentees within the program “speed mentored” one another, “speed dating” style. This event was set up in our corporate offices in both Savannah, GA and Carrollton, TX. In the first leg of the event, mentees spoke virtually via video chat with mentors in a “speed dating” type of environment. The overall goal was for the mentee to get …
Submitted by: Lindsay Gray, Area Recruiting Manager For an active job seeker, one of the most concerning elements in a job hunt is whether you will be a culture fit within an organization. Many people brush this to the side initially when other aspects of a job opportunity serve a higher level of importance at the given moment, such as compensation and benefits. While providing monetarily for yourself or your family is extremely important, in the long run it is just as important to fit in within an organization’s values, practices, and “culture.” According to, “Culture Fit” is defined …