Written by Julie Feldman, Sr. Director of Corporate/IT Recruiting, and Shannon Beasley, Director of Corporate Recruiting In this day and age, it truly is about WHO you know, not just WHAT you know. The name of the game is NETWORKING! And the TMX Finance® Family of Companies is following the trend. With the introduction of RolePoint, the TMX Finance® Family of Companies Referral Portal, the team has increased hires made from referrals with 34 job offers in the last 6 months! That means that YES, your online and professional network can actually help you find a job! LinkedIn and Facebook …
Submitted by: Gina Nichols, Senior Recruiter Hi, there. If you are reading this post, it’s most likely because you are in a job search and seeking information on how to go about the foreboding task of writing a resume. For you, this may be akin to doing your taxes – something you dread doing but know you have to; something you really don’t know how to do in order to get the most bang for your buck; and something you know is a necessary evil! Nonetheless, if you are in a job search, you’ll need a well-built resume. So, let’s …
Submitted by: Gina Nichols, Senior Recruiter Hello, Job Seeker! Being in a job search can be one of the most stressful times in your professional career and subsequently your personal life, too. If you find yourself spending a chunk of your day robotically applying to dozens of jobs, only later to find your email littered with polite but canned rejection notices or even worse yet, no response at all…FEAR NOT…we have some simple but surefire tips to help get you noticed and poised for that next “yes”! Keep reading to see how to be proactive and how to take some …
Submitted by: Julie Feldman, Sr. Director of Corporate IT Recruitment And that is just what the Talent Department did on the Friday prior to Super Bowl Sunday! Talent Takeover 1.0 was easily better than the Lady Gaga Half Time Show. The day kicked off by defining the “Talent Takeover” series, and with team members committing to continuing to find top talent in 2017. The first half of the day was dedicated to learning how each sub-department looks at current talent trends in the marketplace and aligns their teams to meet and exceed goals, and the managers and directors presented exciting …
Submitted by: Cat Vasarhelyi, Talent Strategist We know the internet is full of great articles and blog posts dedicated to offering advice on how to find a job. There’s no doubt about it – right now, it’s an employer’s world and we’re all just living in it. But do you ever wonder what employers think you should do when it comes to finding a job? And not just a job – how about a career? You don’t want any old position. You want to love what you do professionally, and you want to find a place that will help you …
Congratulations to Daria Levin, Sr. Director of Talent Management, for being named February TMX Ambassador! Daria has spent many years with our Company. Here’s what she had to say about her journey with us: “Our Company is one of a kind. Our CEO believes in creativity and with that, comes innovation. We come to work every day knowing that as we continue to build our brands and products, one of our ideas may be brought to light and implemented Company-wide. That’s extremely motivating for someone like me, who loves “thinking outside the box”. It’s a special experience to see and …
Submitted by: Cat Vasarhelyi
I think we all know that sometimes work can feel like a bit of a circus – projects flying this way and that, following the ringmaster’s instructions, occasionally performing “acrobatics” to get things done. So in December, in order to combat that impression and gear up for 2017, the leader of the Talent Team hosted a “Talent Circus” complete with a ringmaster and concession stand for the department’s management team, led by one of our Talent Strategists. Based on the principles found in the book “Juggling Elephants,” this fun workshop helped the team’s leadership learn how to effectively prioritize, focus …
At TMX Finance Family of Companies, we sincerely believe that hard work and dedication is the key to success. The founder of our company built the corporation we are today by starting with one single store… now, we span the nation from coast to coast! One team member that truly embodies both hard work and dedication is Aide Herrera. Aide was recently promoted to General Manager. >> Read the full story about Aide Herrera’s journey and success here! Congratulations on your promotion, Aide! It was well deserved. We’re proud to have you as part of our TMX family!
At TMX, we understand that we are only as successful as our team members. And, from CEO to CSR, each team member has a vital role in making our company great. This is why top talent is paramount to the prosperity, strength, and success of TMX Finance Family of Companies. It is for this reason that our TMX Recruiters are such an integral part of our family. Clearly, they deserve recognition for their terrific work every day of the year, but recently our Talent Management team observed “Recruiter Appreciation Day” where they went above and beyond to ensure our Company’s recruiting efforts were praised and celebrated! Not only were recruiters’ …