Pride is defined by as confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience. Pride to me is a sense of freedom and expression, much like our constitutional right and first amendment: Freedom of Speech. It took me some time to understand the power of pride, being that I “came out” at the age of 16. However, after experiencing my first Pride Parade that same year, it really hit home. These people, my people, celebrating all day and night about Love. …
Deciding to live a healthy lifestyle and to “get fit” is a great decision to be sure. However, turning that decision into a reality is about much more than that. It’s about making the right decision hundreds of times throughout the week when presented with the choice between the easy way and the right way. Should I be disciplined when the alarm goes off at 5:30 AM when I don’t feel like it… Or will I hit the snooze button and regret the decision later? Should I get the waffle fries or the fruit? Soda or water? Keep running or …
Isn’t it interesting how there are moments in your life when everything around that time period is a blur, but a big event happens and 10 to 20 years later you can remember that day with such clarity as if it had happened yesterday?! This was one of those moments for me. I thought it was just going to be another Sunday afternoon followed by our usual Sunday family dinner. I often came back to my parent house on Sunday’s when I was in college to have a good meal and the comforts of home. This Sunday was going to …
Distance, abnormal hours, sacrifices, unpredictability and independence all consist of a military marriage. To survive these untraditional stressors a few clichés come to mind, “quality over quantity” are words normally repeated by families who do not have the luxury of seeing each other daily. Another phrase to live by is, “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” These two clichés proved to show how my husband and I survive all the struggles associated with military life. My husband (then boyfriend) joined the United States Army as an Officer following college graduation. He immediately went to BOLC (Basic Officer Leader Course) while …
Based on the number of times I’ve heard “treat yourself” or “live your best life “recently, it seems like people are really focused on inner happiness these days. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying that 600-calorie Venti Frappuccino with double whip every once in a while, I think sometimes we all forget that there are much healthier ways to handle stress. Mental wellness tends to get lost in the other demands of everyday life. We’re consumed by our work projects, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, being a good spouse or partner, baking peanut free/gluten free/sugar free/dairy free cupcakes for …
As I sit here, contemplating how to relay my experience as a working military spouse, it seems only fitting to start by sharing with you a little bit about my story and the journey leading up to my decision to join the TMX Finance Family of Companies (“the Company”). First, you should know that both of my grandfathers served in WWII. However, as is true for many that served during that era, they didn’t like to talk about it much, so my knowledge of the military and military life was very limited as I entered adulthood. Needless to say, I …
The thought of Yoga generates either good thoughts or terror and nothing in-between. Yoga is very physical and regular practice develops your stamina and strength including your core! When committed to the practice on a regular basis, you experience and become aware of the spirit (energy) within and without. While it is primarily stretching (until you cannot stand it anymore) and limbering the body through challenging poses, the mental aspects of Yoga are amazing. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga act as guides to help you find inner peace through love and compassion for yourself and others. It calms you …
Everyone’s scars tell a story, what do yours say about you? For those of you that know me, wearing kimonos and cardigans have become a part of my daily routine. To many, it is viewed as a fashion trend, but it serves a more important purpose to me. In an effort to protect my skin from the sun and certain building lights, these pieces of clothing are critical to my health. I would have never expected roughly four years after I lost a close friend to her fight against Lupus, that I would find myself admitted into a hospital with …
They say the secret to a strong marriage is sacrifice, not compromise. Often times, you are giving up the lesser important for the greater good or goal. This statement could not ring more true than a life as a military spouse. My husband, Joe Bisso, has served in the US Army for 7 years in Active Duty and 2.5 years in the Reserves. We have been married for 5 years, have gone through 2 deployments as a couple, and he is currently serving as the Chief of Press & Visits (PVO) for the Multinational Force and Observers in Sinai, Egypt …
Do you think about your future? Bucket list vacations? New cars? College tuition? Does it excite you or scare you? Having a financial strategy should excite you, but unfortunately, it scares most people. When people ask me about how to start, they are surprised with my answer – Discipline. You have discipline at work, with your family, but many people find it hard to have discipline with their finances. I am here to take the “scary” out of Financial Wellness. The following are some tips to get you started on your journey. Plan and set Budget goals: Write your goals …